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  1. › deFridericianum

    Das Fridericianum wurde im Jahr 1779 als eines der weltweit ersten öffentlichen Museen eröffnet. Heute ist das Fridericianum ein international renommierter Ausstellungsort für Gegenwartskunst.

  2. The Fridericianum is an open house that wishes to provide access to as many visitors as possible. People with over 50% disability pay a reduced admission fee of EUR 4. People accompanying individuals with a “B” on their Disability Card are admitted free of charge. Guide dogs are allowed throughout the building.

  3. The Fridericianum was opened in 1779 as one of the world’s first public museums. Today, the Fridericianum is an internationally renowned exhibition venue for contemporary art.

  4. Le Collège royal Fridericianum (plus tard aussi appelé Collège Frédéric) est une école supérieure à Königsberg. Il est nommé d'après Frédéric I er de Prusse. ... Mit dem Text von Christian Schiffert [1741] über das Königsberger Collegium Fridericianum.

  5. The Fridericianum was founded in 1779 as one of the first public museums in the world. Since 1988 it has been an internationally renowned art gallery. A broad spectrum of contemporary art, from new discoveries to more established works, is displayed in over 2,000 square meters of exhibition space. Moritz Wesseler has been director of the ...

  6. 22 de abr. de 2024 · El maestro Kant. Emanuel Kant nació el 1724 en Königsberg (actual Kaliningrado), entonces perteneciente a la Prusia Oriental, en el seno de una familia profundamente religiosa de la que recibió una educación muy estricta y dogmática. A pesar de que su pensamiento lo llevaría en dirección opuesta, siempre conservó un gran cariño por su ...

  7. Collegium Fridericianum. The Royal Collegium Fridericianum (later also called Friedrichs College ) was a high school in the East Prussian Königsberg. It was named after Frederick I, Elector of Brandenburg and the first king in Prussia.