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  1. Healy Hall, hlavní budova kampusu Georgetownské univerzity. Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) je fakulta Georgetownské univerzity, která vzdělává bakalářské, magisterské a doktorské studenty pro praxi v oborech mezinárodních vztahů, mezinárodní politiky a diplomacie.Je označována za nejlepší vzdělávací instituci v oboru mezinárodních vztahů na světě.

  2. Die School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C. wurde 1919 gegründet. Sie ist nach dem jesuitischen Priester Edmund A. Walsh benannt. Die Schule für internationale Beziehungen ist in ihrer Bedeutung als Diplomaten-Schmiede für das US-amerikanische diplomatische Corps vergleichbar mit der West-Point-Militärakademie für das US-Militär.. Sie bildet die Studenten, Doktoranden und ...

  3. Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. Established in 1978, the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy is a research and teaching institute in the School of Foreign Service that seeks to bridge theory and practice in exploring global problems and the changing landscape of diplomatic engagement.

  4. Joanna Lewis is Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor of Energy and Environment and Director of the Science, Technology and International Affairs Program (STIA) at Georgetown University's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service.

  5. Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. Established in 2000, the Center for Security Studies is an academic research center in the School of Foreign Service that offers a master's degree program in international security. Learn More About Center for Security Studies.

  6. La Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, conocida simplemente como School of Foreign Service o SFS, es una escuela de relaciones internacionales en la Universidad de Georgetown en Washington D. C.. Se considera una de las principales escuelas de asuntos internacionales, otorgando títulos a nivel de pregrado y posgrado. Entre los alumnos destacados se encuentran el presidente de los ...

  7. Component. Professor Newman received his BA in International Relations from Stanford University and his PhD in political science from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a professor in the School of Foreign Service and Government Departments at Georgetown University. His research focuses on the ways in which economic interdependence ...