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  1. From his work at Schulpforta one can at least begin to outline Nietzsche’s historiographical education in contradistinction to other reigning views. In contrast to Enlightenment historiographers like Voltaire or Gibbon, the young Nietzsche never valorizes his historical figures to make them stand as moral exemplars for our own edification in humanistic ideals.

  2. 12 de mar. de 2018 · Friedrich Nietzsche: la concepción de educación, cuerpo e imagen de hombre. Educere, vol. 22, núm. 72, pp. 397-405, 2018. Universidad de los Andes. Recepción: 12 Marzo 2018. Aprobación: 15 Abril 2018. Resumen: El presente artículo analiza la perspectiva pedagógica en la filosofía de Friedrich Nietzsche vista desde el método teórico ...

  3. 1 de nov. de 2016 · This comes to the fore as Blue's account moves from Nietzsche's time at Schulpforta to his days as a university student. According to Blue, the Humboldtian program assumed a convergence between Wissenschaft or scholarship (science) and Bildung or education in the sense of formation (258).

  4. Academia de Ciencias de Francia. Academia Prusiana de las Ciencias (desde 1829) Academia Sajona de Ciencias (desde 1846) [ editar datos en Wikidata] August Ferdinand Möbius o Moebius ( /ˈʔaʊgʊst ˈfɛɐdiːnant ˈmøːbjʊs/ Schulpforta, 17 de noviembre de 1790- Leipzig, 26 de septiembre de 1868) fue un matemático y astrónomo teórico ...

  5. Pforta, or Schulpforta, is a school located in a former Cistercian monastery, Pforta monastery (1137–1540), near Naumburg on the Saale River in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt. Since the 16th century the site has been a school. Notable past alumni include the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and the German chancellor Theobald von Bethmann ...

  6. Welcome to our Website. Landesschule Pforta is a German boarding school with a long tradition and special concept of furthering talented students in languages, music and natural sciences. It was as early as 1543, when Moritz Duke of Saxony transformed the old monastery, located 60 km from Leipzig in the valley of the river Saale, into a ...

  7. Pforta, or Schulpforta, is a school located in Pforta monastery, a former Cistercian monastery (1137–1540), near Naumburg on the Saale River in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt. The site has been a school since the 16th century. Notable past alumni include the mathematician August Ferdinand Möbius, the historian Leopold von Ranke, and the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Today, it is a ...