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  1. 11 de may. de 2018 · Samuel de Champlain (ca. 1570-1635) was a French geographer and explorer whose mission was to establish a joint French and Native American agricultural and fur-trading colony. In 21 voyages to New France he laid the foundations for modern Canada. Samuel de Champlain was born at Brouage, a small Huguenot seaport town in Saintonge.

  2. Samuel de Champlain and Jean de Poutrincourt launched another expedition from Port-Royal to explore the coast of Massachusetts, hoping to establish friendly relationships with the Secoudon and Messamouet in the area. Their efforts were met with hostility and soon abandoned. August 11, 1607.

  3. 24 de mar. de 2013 · Samuel de Champlain (August 13, 1574 – December 25, 1635), "The Father of New France", was a French explorer, navigator, cartographer, soldier, geographer, ethnologist, diplomat, and chronicler. He founded Quebec City on July 3, 1608 and is important because he made the first accurate map of the coast.

  4. Samuel de Champlain (asi 1567 – 25. prosinec 1635) byl francouzský geograf, kartograf, diplomat a cestovatel, který prozkoumal přilehlé oblasti Severní Ameriky.Založil město Québec 3. července roku 1608 a byl jeho starostou až do konce svého života. Je nazýván Otcem Nové Francie, jejímž prvním guvernérem byl od roku 1627 do roku 1635.

  5. Samuel de Champlain. 1567-1635. French Geographer and Explorer. Samuel de Champlain was among the first explorers to travel along the east coast of North America and into its interior. He is often credited as the founder of New France, which is known today as Canada.He also established or helped to establish colonies at Montreal, Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, and Quebec.

  6. Samuel de Champlain Como Geógrafo Real, se unió a la expedición de Francois Pont-Grave encargada de establecer una colonia francesa en América. Navegó por el río San Lorenzo y propuso un asentamiento en lo que ahora es la ciudad baja de la ciudad de Quebec.

  7. Samuel de Champlain, navegante que recibe el encargo de desarrollar los asentamientos de Francia en el Nuevo Continente, algo a lo que dedica toda su vida. Acá se analiza la importancia comercial y estratégica de estos viajes, cuya función es descubrir grandes riquezas en los territorios recién conquistados y encontrar rutas seguras hacia China.

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