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  1. 5 de sept. de 2017 · Rodolfo Graziani (1882-1955) was an Italian general most famous for his humiliating defeat in Libya in 1940-41, which saw a small British force destroy the vast Italian army in Libya. 'Lucky' Graziani was born on 11 August 1882 at Filettino near Rome. He grew to be over six feet tall, with classical Roman looks.

  2. 15 de may. de 2022 · Rodolfo Graziani, Marshal of Italy, Viceroy of Ethiopia and one of Mussolini’s most valued generals remains to this day a divisive figure in his homeland. Revered by some Italians as a patriot and vilified by others as a murderer. From the allied perspective, he was the Italian general whose troops surrendered en masse to the […]

  3. 11 de dic. de 2023 · Rodolfo Graziani (August 11, 1882 – January 11, 1955) was an Italian military officer who led expeditions in Africa before and during World War II. He became commander after the death of Italo Balbo. He resigned his commission in 1941 after being defeated by the British in Operation Compass.

  4. Markiz Rodolfo Graziani, italijanski maršal in politik, * 1882, † 1955.. Graziani je bil veteran prve svetovne vojne.Med letoma 1921 in 1933 je služil v Libiji.Leta 1935 je bil imenovan za guvernerja Somalije.Med 1936 in 1937 je bil podkralj Etiopije.Bil je načelnik generalštaba italijanskih oboroženih sil med letoma 1939 in 1941. Od 1940 do 1943 je opravljal dolžnost guvernerja Libije.

  5. 13 de nov. de 2011 · Rodolfo Graziani, remembered both as “the Executioner” (Del Boca 1989: 122) or a top-ranking general, was born into a lower-middle-class family in Filettino. While studying law he opted for the military profession. In 1908, the young officer was assigned to a native battalion in Eritrea and after a brief spell in Rome was stationed in Libya.

  6. Tras la entrada de Italia en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Rodolfo Graziani inició desde Libia la ofensiva contra las tropas británicas estacionadas en Egipto (septiembre de 1940), pero las continuas derrotas y la pérdida de más de 130.000 soldados frente a las tropas británicas mandadas por el general Wavell precipitó la intervención alemana mediante el Afrika Korps mandado por el general ...

  7. Rodolfo Graziani Gobernador fascista y mariscal italiano Nació el 11 de agosto de 1882 en Filettino (Italia). Participó en la ocupación de Libia en 1913 y en la I Guerra Mundial. Fue el jefe de las fuerzas italianas destacadas en Libia a comienzos de la década de los treinta y, más tarde, gobernador de la Somalia italiana, virrey de Etiopía y gobernador honorario del África oriental ...