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  1. Abstract. In the Zuo zhuan1 (Zuo Commentary Tradition, ca. fifth to fourth centuries B.c.?), the earliest narrative history in China, the representation of dreams emerges as one way to structure events and to impose order on human experience. Dreams establish causality-on the symbolic level, as a sign that is fulfilled, unravelled, or betrayed; on the literal level, as advice or warning heeded ...

  2. than Weitling’s writings – are the essays by Hess published in Einundzwanzig Bogen3 and Umrisse zu einer Kritik der NationalökonomieDeutsch-Französische by Engels in the Jahrbücher, where also the basic elements of this work [Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844] have been indicated by me in a very general way.

  3. 5 de jun. de 2012 · Comte: Early Political Writings - November 1998. If we study as a whole the phenomenon of the development of the human mind, whether by the rational method or by the empirical method, we discover beneath all the apparent irregularities a fundamental law to which its course is necessarily and invariably subject.

  4. 27 de jul. de 2012 · Re vie w: G.E. Moore: Early Philosophical. Writings, edited by Thomas Baldwin and. Consuelo Pr eti. Alma K orko. G.E. Moor e: Early Philosophical Writings publishes for the first. time two v ...

  5. 1 de ene. de 2011 · G. E. Moore’s fame as a philosopher rests on his ethics of love and beauty, which inspired Bloomsbury, and on his ‘common sense’ certainties which challenge abstract philosophical theory.

  6. 5 de jun. de 2012 · Comte: Early Political Writings - November 1998. If we study as a whole the phenomenon of the development of the human mind, whether by the rational method or by the empirical method, we discover beneath all the apparent irregularities a fundamental law to which its course is necessarily and invariably subject.

  7. Philo attempted to achieve a twofold purpose by his writings: 1) He endeavored to justify the jewish religion to the cultured people of Graeco-Roman society. In view of the deterioration of pagan society and religion, he had a splendid opportunity to portray the Jewish faith as fulfilling 'the desire of all nations.'.