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  1. Konstantin von Neurath was born in Klen-Glattbach, Germany, on 2nd February, 1873. After studying law at the University of Berlin he entered the German foreign service in 1903. He was a member of the consular staff in London from 1903 to 1908, before returning to Berlin.

  2. Fue el mayor de tres hijos de una familia noble de Württemberg. Su padre Sebastián Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath era militar, y su madre Matilde era descendiente de los barones von Gemmingen. Después de la graduación Neurath completó su servicio militar como voluntario durante un año en el Regimiento de Infantería "Emperador Federico ...

  3. Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath (2 February 1873 in Vaihingen – 14 August 1956 in Vaihingen) was a German politician and diplomat. He was the Foreign minister of Germany between 1932 and 1938. In those early years of Adolf Hitler's regime, Von Neurath played an important role in the foreign policy.

  4. Von Neurath is indicted under all Four Counts. He is a professional diplomat who served as German Ambassador to Great Britain from 1930 to 1932.On 2nd June, 1932, he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in the von Papen cabinet, a position which he held under the cabinets of von Schleicher and Hitler. Von Neurath resigned as Minister of Foreign Affairs on 4th February, 1938, land was made ...

  5. Konstantin von Neurath u vrijeme vojnog službovanja 1893. Rođen je u Vaihigenu na Enzu, u Kraljevini Württemberg, podrijetlom iz švapske plemićke obitelji. Studirao je pravo na Sveučilištu u Tübingenu i Sveučilištu Humboldt u Berlinu. Nakon što je diplomirao pravo 1892., zaposlio se u odvjetničkoj firmi u rodnome gradu.

  6. Konstantin von Neurath Feb 2, 1873 - Aug 14, 1956. Konstantin Hermann Karl Freiherr von Neurath was a German diplomat who served as Foreign Minister of Germany between 1932 and 1938. Born to a Swabian noble family, Neurath began his diplomatic career in 1901.

  7. Konstantin von Neurath báró (teljes nevén Konstantin Hermann Karl Freiherr von Neurath; Württembergi Királyság, Kleinglattbach, 1873. február 2. – Nyugat-Németország, Enzweihingen, 1956. augusztus 14.) német politikus, diplomata. Három évtizedes diplomáciai pályafutását követően, 1932–1938 között különböző nemzetiszocialista kormányok külügyminisztere, 1939 ...