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  1. Nikolaus Heinrich Ferdinand Herbert, Prince of Bismarck (born Nikolaus Heinrich Ferdinand Herbert Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen; 28 December 1849 – 18 September 1904) was a German politician, who served as Foreign Secretary from 1886 to 1890. His political career was closely tied to that of his father, Otto von Bismarck, and he left office a ...

  2. Secret Reinsurance Treaty between Germany and Russia from June 18, 1887. The imperial courts of Germany and of Russia, animated by an equal desire to strengthen the general peace by an understanding destined to assure the defensive position of their respective states, have resolved to confirm the agreement established between them by a special arrangement, in view of the expiration on June 15 ...

  3. Herbert von Bismarck se narodil v Berlíně jako nejstarší syn říšského kancléře Otto von Bismarcka a Johanny , roz. von Puttkamer. Měl ještě starší sestru Marii (nar. 1847) a mladšího bratra Viléma (nar. 1852). Studoval práva, účastnil se francouzsko-pruské války v řadách kavalerie (v srpnu 1870 byl raněn u Mars-la-Touru ).

  4. BISMARCK . The members of this family bear the title Graf/Gräfin von Bismarck-Schönhausen. OTTO Eduard Leopold, cr Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen 1865, Fürst von Bismarck 1871 (Schönhausen 1 Apr 1815-Friedrichsruh 30 Jul 1898); m.Alt-Kolziglow 28 Jul 1847 Johanna von Puttkamer (Viartlum 11 Apr 1824-Varzin 27 Nov 1894) 1a) Marie (21 Aug 1847 [21 Aug 1848, per 1869-71 GGT]-8 Feb 1926); m.6 ...

  5. He was succeeded as Prince Bismarck by his eldest son, Herbert. Bismarck managed a posthumous snub of Wilhelm II by having his own sarcophagus inscribed with the words, "A loyal German servant of Emperor Wilhelm I". Family. He married Johanna von Puttkamer in 1847. They had three children: Marie (b. 1848), Herbert (b. 1849) and Wilhelm (b. 1852).

  6. 13 de feb. de 2019 · Clark’s book considers Frederick alongside three other German rulers: the 17th-century Elector Frederick William, Otto von Bismarck and Adolf Hitler. There is very little in Time and Power, though, about warfare or nation-building. Clark’s interest is not in what his chosen subjects did, but in how they positioned themselves in relation to ...

  7. He was born in London, the son of politician and diplomat Otto Christian Archibald von Bismarck and Swedish socialite Ann-Mari Tengbom.He was a grandson of statesman Herbert von Bismarck, a great-grandson of statesman Otto von Bismarck, and the maternal grandson of the prominent Swedish architect Ivar Tengbom.. He grew up in London and Rome where his father worked as a diplomat.