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  1. Hace 2 días · Kant’s Phenomena and Noumena: Immanuel Kant distinguished between phenomena (things as they appear to us) and noumena (things as they are in themselves). Kant argued that while we can perceive phenomena through our senses, noumena—the true nature of things—remains beyond our cognitive reach. Scientific Insights into Reality

  2. Hace 15 horas · From this perspective, from the 18th-century origins of critique in its gestation in the fields of theology and literary criticism to its formalization by Kant, the literary expression of critique has always been bound up with debates over the function of literary texts, their history, their production, their consumption, and their critical evaluation.

  3. Hace 2 días · In the Enlightenment, it was notably German thinkers who had come out of a Lutheran context among them, Immanuel Kant, G. W. F. Hegel, and Ludwig Feuerbach, who advanced a demythologized interpretation of scripture, seeing the Christian myth as a projection of human self-understanding; the form that their secularizing position took being profoundly influenced by their Lutheran context.

  4. Hace 5 días · IMMANUEL KANT GROUNDWORK of the _ METAPHYSIC of MORALS Translated and analysed by H. J. PATON il [4 v HARPER TORCHBOOQKS / The Academy Library " Harper & Row, Pblishers, New York Grand Rapids, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Francisco London, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto.

  5. Hace 3 días · The German philosopher Immanuel Kant published Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens in 1755, speculating that certain small dim patches in the sky might be analogs of our Milky Way.

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