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  1. Académie Julian var en privat konstskola i Paris. Académie Julian grundades 1868 av målaren Rodolphe Julian (1839–1907) som ett privat alternativ till den statligt understödda École des Beaux-Arts, som inte tillät kvinnliga studenter. Skolan hade adressen 27, ...

  2. The legacy of the Académie Julian extends far beyond the 19th century, influencing generations of artists and contributing to the democratization of art education in France. Its impact resonates in the contemporary art world, where some ateliers, like ours, continue to embrace the principles of artistic freedom, inclusivity, and collaboration championed by Julian.

  3. Académie Julian was even more significant for the careers of women artists.14 After the reorganization caused by the Revolution at the end of the eighteenth century the Academy stopped accepting women. While until this date a total of four women could be accepted if judged 'exceptional' by the king, ...

  4. Other articles where Académie Julian is discussed: Henri Matisse: Formative years: …enrolled in the privately run Académie Julian, where the master was the strictly academic William-Adolphe Bouguereau. That Matisse should have begun his studies in such a conservative school may seem surprising, and he once explained the fact by saying that he was acting on the recommendation of a Saint ...

  5. Rodolphe Julian est né à Lapalud (Vaucluse) le 13 juin 1839 et décédé à Paris le 12 février 1907. En 1868, il crée une académie privée de peinture et de sculpture, l’Académie Julian, dans un local sis 27, galerie Montmartre, passage des Panoramas, dans le second arrondissement de Paris ; en 1890, il ajoute de nouveaux ateliers sis au 31, rue du Dragon dans le sixième ...

  6. Die Académie Julian war eine angesehene, im Jahr 1868 von dem Maler Rodolphe Julian (1839–1907) in der Nummer 27 der Galerie Montmartre im 2. Arrondissement von Paris gegründete private Kunstakademie. Sie unterhielt im Laufe der Jahre mehrere Ateliers in Paris und bestand bis zum Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Von ihrem Gründungsjahr bis 1939 ermöglichte diese Kunstschule tausenden von ...

  7. 10 de mar. de 2022 · Famous for the number and quality of artists attending it during the great period of effervescence in the arts in the early 20th century, the Académie was the only art school in Paris to accept women and foreign students, both of which were barred from the official École des Beaux-Arts until 1897, and as a consequence, its influence on many women artists of the 20th century became quite ...