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  1. 10 de ene. de 2001 · On December 10, 1938, David O. Selznick burned down Atlanta. On the back of his Culver City studio, Selznick had begun filming what would be his and Hollywood’s greatest triumph, GONE WITH THE WIND.

  2. 20 de nov. de 2015 · David O. Selznick is known today as one of the most successful producers in Hollywood history. In 1930, though, his position was precarious, even though he has just married Irene Mayer, ...

  3. 19 de sept. de 2021 · She starred in 17 silent films (many lost) and later authored a memoir, Lulu in Hollywood."She regards us from the screen as if the screen were not there; she casts away the artifice of film and invites us to play with her." - Roger, from his review of the silent classic Pandor's Box.

  4. 22 de jun. de 2024 · David O. Selznick (10 de mayo de 1902 – 22 de junio de 1965) fue un productor de cine, guionista y ejecutivo de un estudio de cine estadounidense que produjo Lo que el viento se llevó (1939) y Rebecca (1940), que le valieron un Premio de la Academia a la Mejor Película.. Primeros años. Nacido en Pittsburgh, Pensilvania, era hijo de Florence Anna (de soltera Sachs) y Lewis J. Selznick, un ...

  5. A creative-minded executive who broke the mold and became one of the first truly successful independent producers, David O. Selznick rose to prominence during a time in American cinema where the early pioneers were being squeezed out by the emerging studio system and replaced by paint-by-the-numbers administrators who saw efficiency and profitability as their main objectives.

  6. David O. Selznick (n. 10 mai 1902, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, SUA – d. 22 iunie 1965, Hollywood, California, SUA) a fost un producător din „Epoca de aur” a Hollywood-ului.. Este cunoscut ca fiind producătorul celebrului film Gone With The Wind („Pe aripile vântului”), care i-a adus premiul Oscar pentru Cel Mai Bun Film. Nu numai că Pe aripile vântului are cele mai bune încasări ...

  7. And though David O. Selznick was enormously successful by anybody’s standards, he too went through the sorts of ups and downs that might induce vertigo. Selznick’s work on Gone with the Wind (1939) was so renowned that he once remarked that his association to it should be written on his gravestone; he spent many years trying to figure out how to equal or surpass such an achievement.