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  1. 19 de jun. de 2020 · Carl Schmitt sees the 1933 Nazi seizure of power as a revolution that inaugurates an entirely new era of political-legal order. Analyzing Schmitt’s rarer Nazi-texts, diaries, and correspondence, I argue that from 1933 to 1936 Schmitt attempts to theorize the Nazi revolution by developing an entirely new political language of Nazism, cleansed from non-German ways of thinking, especially ...

  2. 1966] CARL SCHMITT'S CONCEPT OF THE POLITICAL 819 the German conservative movement as a whole and, moreover, one which opened the way to Germany's "conservative revolution."3 * * * * * "Concrete," "actual," "existential," "real," "specific" are words we meet often in the writings of Carl Schmitt, for he was concerned with the existential and ...

  3. Carl Schmitt (Mitte) mit Mitschülern vor dem Attendorner Konvikt im Winter 1902/03 Carl Schmitt als Schüler im Jahre 1904. Schmitt entstammte einer katholisch-kleinbürgerlichen Familie im Sauerland.Er war das zweite von fünf Kindern des Krankenkassenverwalters Johann Schmitt (1853–1945) und dessen Frau Louise, geb.

  4. Introducción. La presencia del concepto "Estado total" en la obra de Carl Schmitt no resulta unívoca, ya que cada uno de sus usos posee distintas implicancias teórico-políticas 1.Se trata de una categoría que se inserta disímilmente en su obra de acuerdo a las diversas coyunturas que operaron como trasfondo evidente de sus intervenciones políticas concretas.

  5. L’obiettivo di questo saggio è duplice: da una parte, riconsiderare in quali termini la figura di Carl Schmitt possa essere considerata quella di un «pensatore europeo»; dall’altra, mettere in luce la particolare idea di Europa che agita molti degli scritti schmittiani dagli anni venti del Novecento fino al secondo dopoguerra. Tutto lascia supporre Schmitt sarebbe un fiero critico dell ...

  6. Carl Schmitt no dice que la guerra sea el objeto de la política, pero sí sostiene que es «una posibilidad real, que determina de una manera peculiar la acción y el pensamiento humanos y origina así una conducta específicamente política» (Schmitt, 2018a: 65).

  7. 10 de jul. de 2024 · Carl Schmitt (1888–1985) was perhaps the leading jurist during the Weimar Republic (1919–33). Born the son of a Catholic Westphalian businessman, he was educated as a lawyer and legal theorist at several universities, taking his habilitation eventually in Strasbourg (then part of Germany) in 1915. He taught at several German universities, becoming a professor of law at the University of ...

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