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  1. Las cobras serpientes matan a sus presas inyectando veneno a través de sus colmillos. El veneno es una neurotoxina que detiene la respiración y el latido del corazón de la víctima. Una víbora cobra solo atacará a un humano si se siente amenazada. Las cobras son capaces de levantar sus cuerpos, extender sus capuchas, y silbar en voz alta ...

  2. Chinese cobras are carnivores and have a widely varied diet. They mainly prey on rodents, frogs, toads, fish, and other snakes. Juveniles eat mostly amphibians, whereas adults usually prefer reptiles and mammals. However, during amphibian breeding periods, adult cobras eat mostly frogs or toads. Diet Carnivore.

  3. 22 de dic. de 2020 · Cobras are known for their characteristic hoods that they exhibit when threatened. Cobra is the common name used to refer to a group of venomous snakes known as elapids, most of which belong to the Naja genus. All cobras are venomous, and most are capable of producing a hood when threatened. Here we mention the 10 most venomous cobras as a list.

  4. 16 de ago. de 2021 · King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah): a large, venomous snake native to Asia. There are 21 species of cobras, but the king cobra is the sole member of the genus Ophiophagus. It is distinguishable from ...

  5. A king cobra the length of a stretch limo slides through a field. Looking for food, it raises its head and flicks its tongue. Suddenly, a rat scampers past. The snake takes off after the rodent. As it nears its prey, the cobra strikes: It sinks its venom-filled fangs into the rat to knock it out, then swallows the snack in one gulp. LARGE AND (MOSTLY) IN CHARGE King cobras are venomous snakes ...

  6. 9 de jun. de 2020 · La serpiente cobra se caracteriza por tener, al contrario que otras serpientes, una estupenda vista. De hecho, es capaz de ver tanto de día como de noche, a 100 metros de distancia, y es capaz de recorrer con sus ojos un arco de 130 grados. La esperanza de vida en su medio natural es de unos 17-20 años. Sin embargo, en cautividad puede llegar ...

  7. › whats-here › animalsKing cobra | London Zoo

    King cobras are an egg laying species. They construct a nest out of rotting vegetation into which they lay up to 50 eggs. What do king cobras look like? King cobras are either olive-green, tan or black in colour. They have a pale underside and are covered in smooth scales. Giant Chinese salamander at London Zoo

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