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  1. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kyle Eastwood (born May 19, 1968) is an American jazz musician. He studied film at the University of Southern California for two years before embarking on a music career. After becoming a session player in the early '90s and leading his own quartet, he released his first solo album, From There to Here, in 1998.

  2. Kyle Eastwood首度为电影音乐担纲创作的作品就是Clint Eastwood 克林特·伊斯特伍德 执导的《 神秘河 》,Kyle Eastwood在以此片的音乐赢得了老爸的信赖之后,随后与自己合作多年的音乐搭档 Michael Steven一起参予了《Rails & Ties》的音乐创作以及《 父辈的旗帜 》的音乐编曲。 。《硫磺岛的家书》是两人首度 ...

  3. 27 de mar. de 2020 · Invité du RTL Live, Kyle Eastwood interprète le titre "Bullit"

  4. 7 de may. de 2024 · El fill del reconegut actor i director de Hollywood Clint Eastwood, el baixista de jazz Kyle Eastwood, serà un dels caps de cartell de la quarantena edició del Festival internacional de jazz d’Andorra Escaldes-Engordany, que enguany tindrà lloc del 4 a l’11 de juliol vinent. Així ho va anunciar ahir el conseller de Cultura i Promoció ...

  5. 28 de jul. de 2021 · Lors du concert du 25 juillet, le contrebassiste @kyleeastwood7893 confirme son amour pour le septième art en réactualisant les thèmes classiques du cinéma c...

  6. 2 de jun. de 2023 · Kyle also composed the score for Gran Torino, via his IMDb. Alison Eastwood Alison, 49, and Kyle, 53, accompanied Clint to the premiere of ‘Flags of Our Fathers’ in 2006, as he made a funny ...

  7. 4 de may. de 2023 · Kyle grew up in Carmel California and is the eldest son of the Hollywood star Clint Eastwood.While doing his homework Kyle remembers listening to records of jazz stars such as Duke Ellington, Count Basie and Miles Davis playing in the house. Like any child raised by enthusiastic jazz loving parents, an awareness and love of music soaks in quickly.