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  1. Wilhelm Frick (1877-1946) Ministro del Interior del Reich desde 1933 a 1943 y Protector del Reich (Reichsprotektor) de Bohemia y Moravia. Durante los primeros años decisivos de la dictadura nazi, Frick fue el mentor de la legislación que excluyó a los judíos de la vida pública, abolió los partidos políticos y envió a los disidentes políticos a campos de concentración.

  2. Primary Sources Wilhelm Frick. Wilhelm Frick was born in Germany in 1877. A police officer in Munich, he joined the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and took part in the Beer Hall Putsch.Along with Adolf Hitler was found guilty and was imprisoned for his role in the attempted putsch.. In 1924 Frick was elected to the Reichstag where he associated with the NSDAP radicals led by ...

  3. Wilhelm Frick (12 tháng 3 năm 1877 - 16 tháng 10 năm 1946) là một chính trị gia người Đức của NSDAP, từng là Bộ trưởng Nội vụ Reich trong nội các Hitler từ năm 1933 đến năm 1943 [1] và là thống đốc cuối cùng của Xứ bảo hộ Bohemia và Moravia. Sau thế chiến II, ông ta đã bị kết ...

  4. 22 de nov. de 2020 · Wilhelm Frick was Germany’s Interior Minister between 1933 and 1943 and was then appointed Reich Protector of Bohemia-Moravia. Frick, a doctrinaire Nazi, authored the anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws in 1935 which banned marriage between “Aryan Germans” and Jews, gypsies or black people, and removed Jews’ rights to work in the civil service, medicine or many other industries.

  5. 25 de mar. de 2021 · Le 23 janvier 1930, Wilhelm Frick a été nommé ministre de l’Intérieur et de l’Éducation de Thuringe en devenant le premier ministre nazi de la République de Weimar. C’est de lui qu’ont émané les instructions de licencier les enseignants communistes, de supprimer les postes occupés par les sociaux-démocrates et de recruter de préférence des nationaux-socialistes dans la police.

  6. Aus Wikipedia: „…Frick war das jüngste der vier Kinder des evangelischen Bezirksoberlehrers Wilhelm Frick († 1918) und dessen Frau Henriette († 1893). Am 25. April 1910 heiratete er in Pirmasens Elisabetha Emilie Nagel (27. April 1890–25. Oktober 1978), von der er am 1. Februar 1934 geschieden wurde.

  7. Wilhelm Frick (12 March 1877 in Alsenz - 16 October 1946 in Nuremberg) was a well-known Nazi official. Between 1933 and 1943, he was a minister of the Third Reich) After the end of World War II, he was executed for war crimes.