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  1. El Acuerdo de Cambridge fue un acuerdo hecho el 29 de agosto de 1629, entre los accionistas de la Colonia de la Bahía de Massachusetts, en Cambridge, Inglaterra.En virtud de sus términos, un grupo de accionistas, que tenía la intención de emigrar al Nuevo Mundo, acordó condiciones que darían lugar a la compra de acciones de los accionistas restantes que no querían emigrar.

  2. Juventud. La duquesa María era la mayor de los cuatro hijos del gran duque Adolfo Federico V de Mecklemburgo-Strelitz (1848-1914) y su esposa, la princesa Isabel de Anhalt (1857-1933), hija del duque Federico I de Anhalt y la princesa Antonieta de Sajonia-Altenburgo.Sus abuelos paternos fueron el gran duque Federico Guillermo de Mecklemburgo-Strelitz y la princesa Augusta de Gran Bretaña e ...

  3. Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge (Adolphus Frederick; 24 February 1774 – 8 July 1850) was the tenth child and seventh son of King George III of the United Kingdom and Queen Charlotte.He held the title of Duke of Cambridge from 1801 until his death. He served as Viceroy of the Kingdom of Hanover successively on behalf of his elder brothers King George IV and King William IV.

  4. The most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. Meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations.

  5. August significado, definição August: 1. the eighth month of the year, after July and before September: 2. having great importance and…

  6. Kendall Hospital, formerly used by the Railroad as their Augusta safehouse, is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287. Once a hospital, after the Great War, this facility became a hiding point for the Railroad, known as Augusta safehouse. However, it was raided by the Institute, sending in a squad of coursers and an unknown number of older models that somehow knew exactly where they were.[1 ...