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  1. Robert Anton Wilson: You’ve got to realize that the potential of space is staggering as compared with the potential of the planet. We’re going from a closed system to an open system in terms of General Systems Theory. In a closed system, entropy increases; but in an open system, entropy doesn’t necessarily increase.

  2. LA TIERRA TREMA (VOL. I) (CRONICAS HISTORICAS DE LOS ILLUMINATI) ver ficha. Añadir. Tapa blanda. ENCICLOPEDIA MIT DE CIENCIAS COGNITIVAS (2 VOLS.) ver ficha. Añadir. Todos los libros de ROBERT ANTON WILSON y su biografía en Casa del Libro.

  3. Hoy Robert Anton Wilson cumple 80 años. En lo personal siempre me ha costado comulgar con la figura del maestro, pero estoy seguro de que RAW, en alguno de los planos, es uno de ellos.

  4. The four evolving future 'brains' are: V. THE NEUROSOMATIC CIRCUIT When this fifth "body-brain" is activated, flat Euclidean figure-ground configurations explode multi-dimensionally.Gestalts shift, in McLuhan's terms, from linear VISUAL SPACE to all-encompassing SENSORY SPACE. A hedonic turn-on occurs, a rapturous amusement, a detachment from the previously compulsive mechanism of the first ...

  5. Robert Anton Wilson is the coauthor, with Robert Shea, of the underground classic The Illuminatus! Trilogy , which won the 1986 Prometheus Hall of Fame Award. His other writings include Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy, called "the most scientific of all science fiction novels," by New Scientist, and several nonfiction works of Futurist psychology and guerilla ontology, such as Prometheus Rising and ...

  6. Robert Anton Wilson v posledních letech trpěl finančními problémy, získal podporu různých institucí, zemřel klidně dne 11. ledna 2007, jeho popel byl po kremaci rozptýlen na stejné místo jako popel manželky na Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk v Santa Cruz, stát Kalifornie.

  7. Robert Anton Wilson, scrittore, saggista, insegnate e giornalista, è stato uno dei più autorevoli esponenti della controcultura americana degli ultimi quarant’anni del secolo scorso, e nella sua lunghissima e variegata carriera, si è occupato di psicologia futuristica, di filosofia sociale e di quella che viene definita guerrilla ontology, oltre che di psichedelia e di studi sulle teorie ...