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  1. Kurt von Schleicher war der Sohn des Offiziers Hermann Friedrich Ferdinand von Schleicher und dessen Ehefrau Magdalene, geborene Heyn. Er trat nach seiner Kadettenausbildung am 22. März 1900 als Leutnant in die Königlich Preußische Armee ein. Er wurde dabei zum 3. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß überwiesen. Am 1.

  2. Kurt von Schleicher es una de esas personas cuya vida, sin duda alguna, merece nuestra consideración por el grado de influencia que tuvo en la historia.Conocer la existencia de Kurt von Schleicher es conocer más acerca de una época concreta de la historia del género humano.

  3. 庫爾特·馮·施萊謝爾 (德語: Kurt von Schleicher 1882年4月4日—1934年6月30日) 是一位德國將軍,也是威瑪共和國的最後一任總理。. 生平 [編輯]. 施萊謝爾在布蘭登堡省 哈弗爾河畔布蘭登堡出生,父親是普魯士官員,母親是船主的女兒。 他在軍官學校畢業後,1900年加入德軍成為陸軍少尉。

  4. Kurt von Schleicher. German Army Gen. Kurt von Schleicher was born in 1882 in Brandenburg, Germany (then Prussia), the son of an officer in the Prussian army. He himself enlisted in the Prussian army, soon graduating from officer training school with the rank of lieutenant. In 1909 he attended the Prussian Military Academy, where he made the acquaintance of future political leader Franz von Papen.

  5. Kurt von Schleicher, Dallas, TX. 895 likes · 5 talking about this. first from a basis of fellowship with the Lord n then with other growing believers in church n Bible Kurt von Schleicher

  6. Kurt von Schleicher was born in Brandenburg on April 7, 1882. He received the strictly military educa-tion of a young nobleman in a cadet. institute and in 1900 entered the army, where he was assigned to the infantry. regiment of Field Marshal von Hin-denburg and became intimately ac-quainted with the latter's son.

  7. Paul von Hindenburg was born to an aristocratic Prussian family in 1847. Following in his father’s footsteps, he became an army officer. Hindenburg fought as a young lieutenant in the Austro-Prussian War in 1866 and in the and Franco-Prussian War in 1870-1871. After serving with distinction in battle, he joined the prestigious German General ...