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  1. 梅兰芳(1894年10月22日-1961年8月8日),名澜,又名鹤鸣,乳名裙姊,字畹华,别署缀玉轩主人,艺名兰芳,清光绪二十年(1894年)10月22日出生于北京,祖籍江苏泰州。中国京剧演员。梅兰芳8岁学戏,9岁拜吴菱仙为师学青衣,11岁登台。后又求教于秦稚芬和胡二庚学花旦。

  2. 22 de oct. de 2019 · Mei Lanfang remains one of the most successful global Chinese stars of the early 20th century. He brought an art form that hasn’t always had success on international stages — many people feel that Peking Opera, like the bagpipes, is best appreciated as outdoor performance art — to a broader audience.

  3. 2 de feb. de 2021 · Mei Lanfang was more than just a performer with exceptional poise, a beautiful falsetto trill, and a sharp jaw-line. He helped rework the genre of Peking Opera into what it is today, an intangible cultural heritage and a source of national pride.

  4. 3 de mar. de 2021 · Subscribe and click the bell icon to get more arts content every China, the 20th Century was marked by dramatic social a...

  5. Durch Mei Lanfang wurde die Peking-Oper wieder populär, ein Trend der bis heute anhält- auch wenn die Frauenrollen inzwischen fast ausschließlich von Frauen gespielt werden. In den 1930er-Jahren reiste Mei Lanfang nach Europa, um insbesondere in der Sowjetunion Theater zu studieren.

  6. 10 de feb. de 2010 · Watch the stunning performance of "Dance of the swords" from the classic Peking opera "Farewell My Concubine" by the legendary Mei Lanfang in 1956. Learn more about the history and artistry of ...

  7. 20 de oct. de 2017 · Image Source. The Early Years of Mei Lan Fang . Mei Lan Fang 梅兰芳 (méi lán fāng) was born into a family that was not particularly well off, on 22nd October 1984. His grandfather, Mei Qiao Ling 梅巧玲 (méi qiǎo líng) had performed Peking Opera in front of the Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后 (cí xǐ tài hòu) of the Qing Dynasty 清朝 (qīng cháo) 1644 – 1911).