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  1. She married Leopold Mozart in Salzburg in 1747; Abert writes, "the two were regarded at the time as the handsomest couple in Salzburg." The couple moved (perhaps with Anna Maria's mother) into an apartment on the third floor of Getreidegasse 9. Their landlord was Lorenz Hagenauer, who was a close friend of Leopold's, and a frequent correspondent on the family's later travels.

  2. Maria Anna Mozart als Kind, Porträt von Pietro Antonio Lorenzoni Maria Anna Mozart als Erwachsene Johann Baptist Berchtold zu Sonnenburg (um 1780) Geschwister Mozart 1780 „Kommunegruft“ (Petersfriedhof), Gruft 54, in der u. a. Nannerl Mozart und Michael Haydn bestattet wurden Stammbaum der Mozartfamilie. Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia Mozart (* 30.

  3. Maria Anna Mozart, like her more famous brother Wolfgang, was born in Salzburg, eldest of seven children; only Wolfgang and Anna survived infancy. She was born on July 30, 1751, and her brother (with two children who did not survive born in between) on January 27, 1756. Maria Anna was known within the family as Nannerl.

  4. Maria Anna Thekla Mozart (25 September 1758 – 25 January 1841), called Marianne, known as Bäsle ("little cousin"), was the cousin and friend of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Biography Modern reconstruction of a target for Bölzlschiessen (dart shooting), a light entertainment of the Mozart family.

  5. Maria Anna Mozart. Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia Mozart, chiamata Nannerl da parenti e amici e divenuta Baronessa von Berchtold zu Sonnenburg (Salisburgo, 30 luglio 1751 – Salisburgo, 29 ottobre 1829), è stata una compositrice, pianista e clavicembalista austriaca, figlia di Leopold Mozart e di Anna Maria Pertl, nonché sorella maggiore di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  6. 18 de ene. de 2023 · Anna Maria Mozart, née Pertl, died on 3 July 1778 at the age of 74 years old. She was the mother of the great composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and his sister Nannerl. Anna Maria Mozart was born in 1744 in Augsburg, Germany. Her father, Leopold, was a bookbinder, and her mother, Maria Anna, was a cook. Both of Anna Maria’s parents were from poor families.

  7. Maria Anna Mozart (Salzburg, 1751. július 30. – Salzburg, 1829. október 29.), becenevén Nannerl, 18. századi zongorista, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart nővére.. Élete. Hétéves korában apja, Leopold Mozart elkezdte zongoratanítását. Kezdetben csodagyereknek tűnt; tizenegy évesen már nehéz műveket is el tudott játszani. Apja őt is elvitte Wolfganggal együtt Bécsbe és Párizsba ...