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  1. Natalie Clifford Barney (Dayton, 31 de outubro de 1876 — Paris, 2 de fevereiro de 1972) foi uma dramaturga, poetisa e romancista estadunidense que viveu em Paris.. O salão literário de Barney, realizado em sua residência na margem esquerda de Paris por mais de sessenta anos, reuniu escritores e artistas de todo o mundo, incluindo figuras de destaque na literatura francesa, assim como ...

  2. Natalie Clifford Barney knew by the time she was 12 that she was a lesbian. She vowed to spend not one day of her life hiding it or apologizing for it. Decades before homosexuality was socially acceptable, Clifford Barney compared sexuality to albinism, saying “My queerness is not a vice, not deliberate, and harms no one.”

  3. Barney, Natalie Clifford (1876–1972)American-born expatriate author, translator, and foremother of feminist literature, who created an international literary salon in Paris and an Academy of Women to cultivate women writers. Born Natalie Clifford in Dayton, Ohio, on October 31, 1876; died at age 95 at Hotel Meurice in Paris, France, on February 3, 1972; daughter of Alice Pike Barney (an ...

  4. Natalie Barney. (b. 1876, Dayton, Ohio; d. 1972, Paris, France) Natalie Barney was both a poet and a prose writer, who was famous for her weekly salons, which gathered together many of the twentieth century’s greatest artists and writers from the Western world. She is celebrated for openly living and writing as a lesbian during a time when ...

  5. Natalie Clifford Barney, um 1892. Natalie Clifford Barney war die älteste Tochter des wohlhabenden Eisenbahnbesitzers Albert Clifford Barney (1855–1902) und seiner Frau, der Malerin Alice Pike Barney (1857–1931). Ihre jüngere Schwester war Laura Clifford Barney (1879–1974), die später eine erfolgreiche Autorin wurde und Anhängerin der Bahai-Religion.

  6. Natalie Clifford Barney (October 31, 1876 – February 2, 1972) was an American expatriate who lived, wrote, and hosted a literary salon in Paris.She was a noted poet, memoirist, and epigrammatist.. Barney's salon was held at her home on Paris's Left Bank for more than 60 years and brought together writers and artists from around the world, including many leading figures in French literature ...

  7. Natalie Clifford Barney (31 de octubre de 1876 - 2 de febrero de 1972) fue una escritora estadounidense que organizó un salón literario en su casa de París que reunió a escritores franceses e internacionales. Influyó en otros autores a través de su salón y también con su poesía, obras de teatro y epigramas, a menudo vinculados temáticamente a su lesbianismo y feminismo.