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  1. Fishing anglers hooked a big swordfish. Fishing Methods. Marlin and swordfish are typically caught using longline and spearfishing methods. Longlining involves setting extremely long lines with baited hooks, extending for miles to capture fish. Spearfishing, a more selective method, is conducted by divers who target individual fish.

  2. Marlin and swordfish are prized among recreational anglers. Fishing, coupled with global warming, has affected them both. Marlin fishing, especially of the Atlantic blue marlin, has made them a vulnerable species. Increasing ocean temperatures also threaten marlin as it lowers oxygen levels in the water.

  3. 9 de mar. de 2022 · #6 Speed. If you hosted a swordfish vs. marlin race, you’d soon find out which was which. When we discussed how fast a great white can swim, we discovered that the black marlin is arguably the fastest fish in the sea, with a top speed of around 130kph.. The swordfish is fast, but it doesn’t come close to the marlin with its maximum speed of 97kph.

  4. The Billfish Family You can't talk about the differences of swordfish vs marlin without talking about their similarities first. Both marlin and swordfish are members of the esteemed billfish family and popular among Louisiana fishing charters. Billfish are one of the most advanced animals on the planet.

  5. El pez espada posee un pico más largo y aplanado, parecido a una espada, lo que le permite cortar a sus presas con precisión y velocidad, mientras que el marlin, con sus picos en forma de lanza, es famoso por su agilidad y saltos acrobáticos, desafiando a los pescadores con sus poderosas carreras y exhibiciones aéreas. , creando una emocionante batalla entre humanos y peces.

  6. 1 de nov. de 2018 · Además, el marlín tiene la característica de poseer en el lomo una aleta dorsal de grandes dimensiones, característica de los de su especie. Suelen ser de distintas tonalidades azules y grises. La mandíbula superior es alargada y tiene forma de lanza. Por otro lado, el pez espada puede llegar a pesar hasta 500 kilos y medir hasta 4.5 metros.

  7. 2 de mar. de 2024 · Swordfish possess a longer, flattened sword-like bill, allowing them to slash through prey with precision and speed, while marlin, with their spear-like bills, are renowned for their agility and acrobatic leaps, challenging anglers with their powerful runs and aerial displays, creating an exhilarating battle between human and fish.