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  1. Reseñas. “The gameplay is extremely addictive and is akin to a puzzle game more so than anything.”. 9/10 – Gaming Cypher. “Contraband Police gives players meaningful choices, both big and small, that make the player feel like they have an impact on the world they find themselves in.”. 85 – Gamingtrend.

  2. 10 de mar. de 2023 · 国境警備ゲーム「Contraband Police」,日本語対応でリリース。. 1980年代の共産主義国家で,出入りする密輸品や密航者を摘発せよ. ライター:奥谷 ...

  3. Contraband Police è un gioco in cui dovrai vestire i panni di un comandante di un posto di frontiera nell'era comunista dei primi anni '80. Sei stato nominato nuovo ispettore di polizia al punto di controllo e devi evitare di far superare il confine ai contrabbandieri che trasportano merci illegali.

  4. Contraband Police n'est actuellement qu'une version de démonstration et le jeu est encore en développement actifpour autant, il ne laisse pas grand-chose à désirer. Vous apprécierez peut-être les tâches subalternes consistant à vérifier des documents, à rechercher des incohérences et à tamponner des passeports.

  5. Contraband Police: Prologue - это 5-дневный тренинг на пограничной станции. Выполняйте приказы комиссара Андреева и изучите все основные игровые механики. 1981 год. Вас как молодого выпускника офицерской ...

  6. Рецензии. “The gameplay is extremely addictive and is akin to a puzzle game more so than anything.”. 9/10 – Gaming Cypher. “Contraband Police gives players meaningful choices, both big and small, that make the player feel like they have an impact on the world they find themselves in.”. 85 – Gamingtrend.

  7. Rezensionen “The gameplay is extremely addictive and is akin to a puzzle game more so than anything.” 9/10 – Gaming Cypher “Contraband Police gives players meaningful choices, both big and small, that make the player feel like they have an impact on the world they find themselves in.”

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