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  1. Creative Commons is an international nonprofit organization that empowers people to grow and sustain the thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture we need to address the world's most pressing challenges and create a brighter future for all. Learn more

  2. Existe una serie de licencias Creative Commons, cada una con diferentes configuraciones, que permite a los autores poder decidir la manera en la que su obra va a circular en internet, entregando libertad para citar, reproducir, crear obras derivadas y ofrecerla públicamente, bajo ciertas restricciones.

  3. Creative Commons licenses give everyone from individual creators to large institutions a standardized way to grant the public permission to use their creative work under copyright law. From the reuser’s perspective, the presence of a Creative Commons license on a copyrighted work answers the question, What can I do with this work?

  4. Want to license your work with Creative Commons, but not sure where to start, or which license is right for you? Use our license chooser!

  5. Join a global community working to strengthen the Commons. Certificate. Become an expert in creating and engaging with openly licensed materials Global Summit. Attend our annual event, promoting the power of open licensing Chooser. Get help choosing the appropriate license for your work. Open Source

  6. Las licencias Creative Commons son modelos de contratos que sirven para otorgar públicamente el derecho de utilizar una publicación protegida por los derechos de autor. Entre menos restricciones implique una licencia, mayores serán las posibilidades de utilizar y distribuir un contenido.

  7. ¿Qué es Creative Commons? Las licencias Creative Commons permiten a los autores compartir y liberar sus obras (musicales, literarias, fotográficas, científicas, educativas, plásticas, audiovisuales, etc) en forma legal y segura.

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