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  1. しかしかつて、オリンピックの開会式でF1マシンが走行を披露し、大いに注目を集めたことがある。. 2006年、イタリアのトリノで行なわれた第20回冬季大会のことだ。. 出場選手の入場行進が行なわれた後、ダンサーたちによる演舞が行なわれた。. そのうち ...

  2. Hace 3 días · The last universal common ancestor (LUCA) is the hypothesized common ancestral cell from which the three domains of life, the Bacteria, the Archaea, and the Eukarya originated. It is suggested to have been a "cellular organism that had a lipid bilayer and used DNA, RNA, and protein".

  3. Hace 1 día · Ferrari luego anunció al italiano Luca Badoer como sustituto de Massa. Fue el primer italiano en pilotar un coche del equipo en la Fórmula 1 desde el GP de San Marino de 1994. Con el regreso de Badoer, que no disputaba una carrera desde el GP de Japón 1999, el italiano se convirtió en el segundo piloto que disputaba dos carreras con más tiempo entre medias.

  4. Hace 2 días · Massa's testing partner, Luca Badoer, took the fastest time on the third day, although interest was on the fact that double World Champion Mika Häkkinen joined Hamilton and de la Rosa at McLaren for a one-off test, although the Finnish driver was over three seconds slower than Badoer's time, completing 79 laps of the Spanish circuit.

  5. Hace 4 días · The Italian team Forti ceased to exist midway through 1996, and neither of their drivers, Luca Badoer and Andrea Montermini, were able to find a Formula One racing seat for 1997. Badoer moved into FIA GT, while Montermini became a test driver for Lola.

  6. Hace 2 días · Luca Badoer pilotou o carro de Massa nos dois Grandes Prêmios seguintes: Europa e Bélgica. Com Badoer não marcando pontos em nenhuma das duas corridas, a Ferrari optou por Giancarlo Fisichella como o substituto do brasileiro no cockpit até o fim daquela temporada.

  7. Hace 5 días · From the Ambassador, Andrea Badoer, London, 25 April:—He is in need of money. The King, being ill, sent some Councillors to learn Badoer's mission. They were displeased when he told them of the King of France's coming against the Signory.