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  1. Hace 3 días · On 3 March 1941, Wehrmacht Joint Operations Staff Chief Alfred Jodl repeated Hitler's declaration that the "Jewish-Bolshevik intelligentsia would have to be eliminated" and that the forthcoming war would be a confrontation between two completely opposing cultures.

  2. Hace 2 días · Alfred Jodl noted in a 7 May diary entry that the Germans knew the Belgian envoy to the Vatican had been tipped of, and Hitler was agitated by the treachery. After the fall of France, peace overtures emanated from the Vatican, Sweden and the United States; Churchill responded that Germany would first have to free its conquered territories. [324]

  3. Hace 2 días · Alfred Seidl repeatedly tried to disclose the secret protocols of the German–Soviet pact; although he was eventually successful, it was legally irrelevant and the judges rejected his attempt to bring up the Treaty of Versailles.

  4. Hace 4 días · Sie informieren dort über den Skandal, dass auf dem Klosterfriedhof weiterhin ein "Ehrenkreuz" für den Hauptkriegsverbrecher Alfred Jodl steht, der als verantwortlicher Hitler-General für hunderttausende ermordeter Menschen in Nürnberg verurteilt und hingerichtet wurde.

  5. Hace 3 días · Quotes from World War Two Trivia Quiz. 1938-1946 saw the World turn upside down with a War that changed the way we lived. Who said what, though?

  6. Hace 5 días · Those Involved ... Alfred Dreyfus. He was a rich Jewish captain serving in the French Military. He was unknowingly accused of spying and selling French military secrets to the Germans by way of a document known as The Bordereau. Based on this suspicion and an unfair trial where false evidence was used to convict him.

  7. Hace 3 días · Background. As the Battle of Stalingrad slowly ground to its conclusion the Red Army moved to a general offensive in the south, pressuring the exhausted German forces who had surv