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  1. › wiki › ChristologyChristology - Wikipedia

    Hace 4 días · Atonement is the forgiving or pardoning of sin in general and original sin in particular through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, enabling the reconciliation between God and his creation.

  2. Hace 4 días · 1 John 2:2 NET. Leviticus 16 contains instructions for observing the Day of Atonement, an annual sacrifice that dealt with sin. The high priest would sacrifice a bull for his sins and a goat for the sins of the people. He would then take some of the blood of those sacrifices into the Most Holy Place and sprinkle it on the Atonement Cover.

  3. Hace 2 días · Atonement The reconciliation between God and sinful man (at-one-ment) through the life and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Cults such as the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, and Seventh-Day Adventists, all deny the atoning work of Christ.

  4. Hace 5 días · Atonement: Calvinism holds to limited atonement, meaning Christ died specifically for the elect. Arminianism holds to unlimited atonement, meaning Christ died for all, but only believers benefit. Grace: Calvinism asserts irresistible grace that effectively brings the elect to salvation.

  5. Hace 4 días · Reformed Protestants generally subscribe to a particular view of the atonement called penal substitutionary atonement, which explains Christ's death as a sacrificial payment for sin. Christ is believed to have died in place of the believer, who is accounted righteous as a result of this sacrificial payment.

  6. Hace 4 días · Atonement describes the reconciliation between God and humanity as God brings sinners back to Himself, making them 'at one' with Him. This is perhaps the central role in Christ's work and answers the questions, 'Why did Jesus come to earth, and what do His life and death achieve?'

  7. Hace 1 día · This is from an AI summary of the Ransom Theory: “The Ransom theory of atonement claims that Satan held humanity captive due to the original sin committed by Adam and Eve in Eden. In order to free humanity from Satan’s grip, God offered Jesus as a ransom, satisfying the demands of justice. Jesus’ death on the cross was seen as the payment ...