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  1. Adalbert Schneider (10 March 1904 – 27 May 1941) was the First Gunnery Officer on board the battleship Bismarck, and was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for the sinking of HMS Hood on 24 May 1941 in the Battle of the Denmark Strait.

  2. Adalbert Schneider (10 de marzo de 1904-27 de mayo de 1941) fue el primer oficial de artillería a bordo del acorazado Bismarck, y recibió la Cruz de Caballero de la Cruz de Hierro por el hundimiento del HMS Hood el 24 de mayo de 1941 en la batalla del estrecho de Dinamarca.

  3. Schneider, Adalbert. Born: 10 March 1904. Died: 27 May, 1941 aboard Bismarck. Age (at the time of Bismarck 's sinking): 37. Rank (at the time of Bismarck 's sinking): Korvettenkapitän. Position (at the time of Bismarck 's sinking): First Artillery Officer (I.A.O.). Promotions: NEED INPUTS.

  4. According to Baron von Müllenheim-Rechberg, Bismarck’s First Artillery Officer Adalbert Schneider noted Bismarcks first salvo as falling short of Hood. Schneider then ordered a 400 metre bracket with the “long” salvo falling over and the “base” salvo straddling the target16.

  5. Korvettenkapitän Adalbert Schneider acted as Bismarck 's Deputy Commander in substitution of Captain Lindemann from 16 to 31 December. On 24 January 1941, the Bismarck was again ready to go back to the Baltic to continue the sea trials, but the Kiel Canal was temporarily blocked by ice and the wreck of a merchant ship.

  6. Adalbert Schneider (10 March 1904 – 27 May 1941) was the First Gunnery Officer on board the battleship Bismarck, and was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for the sinking of HMS Hood on 24 May 1941 in the Battle of the Denmark Strait.

  7. He was the First Gunnery Officer on board the battleship Bismarck, and was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for the sinking of HMS Hood on 24 May 1941 in the Battle of the Denmark Strait.