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  1. Una obra de videoarte que recrea el paso del tiempo a partir de miles de imágenes de películas. Descubre cómo Marclay creó una película de veinticuatro horas que muestra relojes en todas las situaciones y momentos de la vida moderna.

  2. A major work by New York--based artist Christian Marclay, The Clock mines the history of film for moments from everyday life and thrilling only-in-the-movies events that indicate the passage of...

  3. A partir de la obra The Clock (2010) de Christian Marclay, -que consta de un montaje audiovisual de 24 horas de escenas alusivas al tiempo-, se interroga la función de los sistemas de representación temporal como parte del lenguaje que articula el arte en la actualidad.

  4. The Clock is an art installation by video artist Christian Marclay. It is a looped 24-hour video supercut ( montage of scenes from film and television) that feature clocks or timepieces. The artwork itself functions as a clock : its presentation is synchronized with the local time, resulting in the time shown in a scene being the ...

  5. 10 de abr. de 2021 · “The Clock” è una video installazione dell’artista Christian Marclay, inaugurata nel 2010 presso la galleria White Cube di Londra.L’artista ha impiegato tre ...

  6. Christian Marclay’s acclaimed installation The Clock 2010 has captivated audiences across the world from New York to Moscow. 24-hours long, the installation is a montage of thousands of film and television images of clocks, edited together so they show the actual time.

  7. 16 de ago. de 2011 · A 24-hour film made up of six or seven thousand clips, each of which either says or displays the (actual) time of day or makes a cogent reference to time.

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