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  1. Barbara Parker-Mallowan. Barbara, Lady Mallowan, OBE ( née Hastings Parker; 14 July 1908 – 21 November 1993) was an English archaeologist, Assyriologist, and epigraphist who specialised in cylinder seals. [1] Life and work.

  2. 11 de mar. de 2023 · Barbara Parker-Mallowan was the wife of Sir Max Mallowan, an English archaeologist, and the second and last husband of English writer Agatha Christie. She was born on July 14, 1908, in England.

  3. 15 de sept. de 2021 · Demasiado pronto, su amado arqueólogo Max se casó con una colega, Barbara Hastings Parker. Cuando Max murió dos años después, fue enterrado junto a Agatha. Rosalind falleció en 2004, a la ...

  4. Barbara Hastings Parker-Mallowan, Lady Mallowan, OBE (1908–1993), was an English archaeologist, Assyriologist, and epigraphist who specialised in cylinder seals. She was involved in the excavations of Nimrud under Max Mallowan, and also at Tell al-Rimah and Tell Brak.

  5. 27 de jun. de 2022 · Max se casaría al año siguiente con la también arqueóloga Barbara Hastings Parker (pero esa ya es otra historia) y moriría en 1978, apenas dos años después que Agatha. Fue enterrado junto a su Missus (como llamaba a Agatha su círculo íntimo) en el cementerio de Cholsey.

  6. 17 de feb. de 2017 · A recent biography shrilly announced Max's affair with Agatha's good friend Barbara Hastings Parker, whom he married after Agatha died in 1976 at the age of 86.

  7. In the autumn of 1950 Barbara Parker, as she was then, succeeded Hamilton as Secretary/ Librarian, and remained until 1961 the only member of staff resident in Iraq during the whole of the School year, from October to June.