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  1. Craig McNamara, que nació como Robert Craig McNamara, es el presidente y dueño de Huertos de la Sierra (Sierra Orchards), un negocio agrícola diversificado que incluye trabajo directamente en el campo, procesamiento y operaciones de marketing, en el que los productos son principalmente nueces orgánicas y aceite de oliva.

  2. Robert Craig McNamara (born 1950) is an American farmer and activist. He is president and owner of Sierra Orchards, a farming operation that encompasses field and processing. McNamara founded and is president of the Center for Land-Based Learning.

  3. Craig McNamara es actualmente el presidente del Departamento de Alimentación y Agricultura de California.

  4. 26 de mar. de 2022 · McNamara fue uno de los halcones que defendió la intervención americana en Vietnam. Durante varios años, apareció ante la opinión pública blandiendo estadísticas que garantizaban, a su parecer,...

  5. Ray Takeyh, Hasib J. Sabbagh senior fellow for Middle East Studies, and Craig McNamara, founder of Sierra Orchards and son of former U.S. Secretary of Defens...

  6. Craig McNamara is an American businessman and farmer. He is the son of Robert McNamara, who was John F. Kennedy's Secretary of Defense and the architect of the Vietnam War.

  7. While Craig would grow up to take part in anti-war demonstrations, his father, Robert McNamara, was John F. Kennedy's Secretary of Defense and the architect of the Vietnam War. This searching and revealing memoir offers an intimate picture of one father and son at a pivotal period in American history.