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  1. Shehîd ibn Jerr ("Witness, son of the Jar"; also Shahîd ibn Jarr) is the name for Seth in Yazidism. Story. According to a narrative among Yazidis, Adam and Eve each deposited their seeds into separate jars.

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    En el yazidismo, Seth es conocido como Shehid ibn Jerr. Según la literatura oral yazidi, Adán y Eva depositaron cada uno sus semillas en frascos separados. Mientras que la semilla de Eva se convirtió en insectos, la semilla de Adán dio a luz a Shehid ibn Jerr, el antepasado de los yazidíes.

  3. 13 de ago. de 2014 · Yazidis believe they are descended from Adam alone through his son Shehid bin Jer, born without Eve as his mother. Every Yazidi is born into either a priestly or lay family and inter-marriage...

  4. 9 de jun. de 2024 · In Yazidism, Seth is known as Shehid ibn Jerr. According to Yazidi oral literature, Adam and Eve each deposited their seeds into separate jars. While Eve's seed developed into insects, Adam's seed gave birth to Shehid ibn Jerr, the ancestor of the Yazidis.

  5. Yazidis people believe they were created uniquely from the rest of humankind. Unlike other humans that were from Eve, they descended from Adam through his son Shehid bin Jer. This belief made marriage outside their community forbidden. Contact with outsiders is discouraged.

  6. 15 de mar. de 2022 · In fact, they often hold that their people are descendants from a miraculously born son of Adam called Shehid Ibn Jerr and from that point on, this religion is being traced through the...

  7. › abouttheyezidipeople › religionYezidis Yezidis Faith ديانتنا

    Shehid bin Jer inherited the divine wisdom that Tawsi Melek had taught his father Adam and then passed it down to his offspring, the earliest Yezidis. It is this wisdom that has become the foundation of the Yezidi religion.