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  1. 27 de jun. de 2024 · Ho Lap College is a secondary school in Hong Kong that offers various activities and events for students. See the latest news on factory visit, fun fair, English speaking contest, solar terms reading, nature education, and more.

  2. Ho Lap College is the first government-aided secondary school sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen. Its history dates back to 1961, when a committee was set up to deal with the establishment of a new school. Mr. Wong Wan-tin was elected as the committee’s Chief Commissioner.

  3. Ho Lap College (Chinese: 可立中學), HLC, is a band 1 grant-aided co-educational grammar school in San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Founded in 1969, it is a well-established secondary school in the area.

  4. 可立中學(嗇色園主辦) Ho Lap College (Sponsored By Sik Sik Yuen) 辦學宗旨:學校秉承嗇色園辦學宗旨,崇奉道釋儒三教經義,以普濟勸善為校訓,培養學生樂善好施、服務社會的精神;並著重學生德、智、體、群、美五育的均衡發展。

  5. 嗇色園主辦可觀自然教育中心暨天文館 Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre 22/01/2024. 黎洛琪校長接受信報專訪 15/01/2024. 環保領袖訓練營 09/11/2023. 上學期統一測驗考試範圍 (2023-2024) 18/09/2023. 2023-24 課後測驗及補課安排(中四至中六) 11/09/2023. 2023-2024 班級分配 ...

  6. 可立中學嗇色園主辦)(英語: Ho Lap College (Sponsored by the Sik Sik Yuen) )是香港 九龍 黃大仙區 新蒲崗一間政府津貼學校 位於爵祿街及彩虹道交界(爵祿街15號),毗鄰香港考試及評核局(爵祿街17號)。

  7. 可立中學(嗇色園主辦)(英語: Ho Lap College (Sponsored by the Sik Sik Yuen) )是香港 九龍 黃大仙區 新蒲崗一間政府津貼學校 位於爵祿街及彩虹道交界(爵祿街15號),毗鄰香港考試及評核局(爵祿街17號)。