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  1. Wolfgang Schutzbar (c. 1483 – 11 February 1566) was the 39th Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, serving from 1543 to 1566. Schutzbar was born in the central Hessian town of Treis an der Lumda around 1483. He hailed from the family of Schutzbar genannt Milchling from Hesse.

  2. Wolfgang Schutzbar genannt Milchling (* 1483 in Treis an der Lumda; † 11. Februar 1566 in Mergentheim) war Hochmeister des Deutschen Ordens . Inhaltsverzeichnis. 1 Familie. 2 Leben. 3 Denkmal und Wappen. 4 Literatur. 5 Einzelnachweise. 6 Weblinks. Familie.

  3. Wolfgang Schutzbar (called Milchling) (1483 - 1566) hailed from the family of Schutzbar genannt Milchling from Hesse. He joined the Teutonic Order in 1507 and was from 1529 to 1543 Komtur of the Bally of Hesse at Marburg.

  4. The Schutzbar genannt Milchling family is an Upper Hesse, latterly baronial ( German: Freiherr) noble family. The earlier Hessian branch of the family is still a member of the knighthood.

  5. abbot Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights. Wolfgang Schutzbar hailed from the family of Schutzbar genannt Milchling from Hesse. Career. He joined the Teutonic Order in 1507 and was from 1529 to 1543 Komtur of the Bally of Hesse at Marburg. In 1543, he became Hochmeister and Deutschmeister, a combined office located at Mergentheim.

  6. Schutzbar: Wolfgang S., gen. Milchling, geb. etwa 1490 in Treys. Er entstammte einer althessischen Adelsfamilie, welche in engen Beziehungen zur Reichsburg Friedberg stand.

  7. Wolfgang Schutzbar (° 1483, † 1566), fue el trigésimo noveno Gran Maestre ( magister generalis) de la Orden Teutónica de 1543 a 1566. Fuentes (de) Este artículo está tomado parcial o totalmente del artículo de Wikipedia en alemán titulado “ Wolfgang Schutzbar ” ( ver lista de autores).