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  1. Pankhurst is the great granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst, political activist and leader of the British suffragette movement and granddaughter of Sylvia Pankhurst, campaigner for the suffragette movement in the United Kingdom.

  2. Dos años después del arranque del movimiento de denuncia del acoso sexual #MeToo en Estados Unidos y tras el cuarto de siglo transcurrido desde la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer celebrada en Beijing, Helen Pankhurst traza una panorámica de las diferentes olas de feminismo a lo largo de los últimos cien años.

  3. Helen Pankhurst, a feminist activist and author, traces the different waves of feminism over the last 100 years and the roles of her great-grandmother Emmeline and grandmother Sylvia in the suffragette movement. She also reflects on the current challenges and opportunities for gender equality and social justice.

  4. Helen Pankhurst is a women's rights activist, author and Visiting Senior Fellow at LSE. She combines her work on suffragettes, international development and global feminism, and published Deeds Not Words, the Story of Women’s Rights, Then and Now.

  5. Aunque quedaron muy atrás los tiempos en que las periodistas radiofónicas debían ceder el micrófono a los hombres, a n de que fueran voces masculinas –consideradas más dignas de crédito– las que leyesen sus boletines informativos, no cabe duda de que sigue siendo todo un reto lograr la diversidad en la radio.

  6. Helen Pankhurst is a campaigner on international development and women's rights, and senior advisor to charity CARE International. She's also the great-granddaughter...

  7. 14 de ene. de 2020 · Two years after the #MeToo movement erupted in the United States and twenty-five years after the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, Helen Pankhurst assesses the different waves of feminism over the last 100 years.