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  1. Have a look to the checklist for my trip! Vaccination and Immunization Visit the doctor to check my vaccines. Plan my vaccination schedule - At least three month prior to my trip.

  2. Evidence: Consolidation activity /Evidencia: Actividad de consolidación. Stage 2: “My checklist” /Etapa 2: “Mi lista de chequeo”. Fuente: SENA.

  3. My checklist includes ten important aspects. The first and most important is vaccination and immunization. As we are going to visit a place where climate change or different species of the sea can harm us, before traveling I will go to the doctor to see if I am fit to travel, I will also ask for a certificate where they tell me that I am fit to ...

  4. The document provides guidance for creating a checklist for an upcoming trip to England. It includes a sample script that outlines the key points for a checklist: 1) Preparing documentation like a visa, passport, and proof of funds. 2) Planning arrival details like hotels. 3) Packing comfortable clothes and shoes.

  5. Stage 2: My checklist / Etapa 2: Mi lista de chequeo. Fuente: SENA. Fuente: SENA. Hey! My name is Mary. Im an enthusiast about animals. Im planning a trip to Kenya (Africa) for a Safari experience. Have a look to the checklist for my trip! Checklist: African safari / Lista de chequeo: Safari africano. prepare documentacion A visa application ...

  6. ivan ibarra. Preséntate con suficiente tiempo de anticipación en el aeropuerto y ten en cuenta nuestras recomendaciones en, donde podrás consultar la información correspondiente a tu lugar de destino, tiempos para tu check in, la entrega de equipaje y el tiempo de presentación en la sala de abordaje.

  7. Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo.