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  1. 17 de oct. de 2023 · Dante is the charismatic leader of the nefarious Alecto. He’ll try to win you over to his cause every chance he gets – and Alecto’s goals are insane. But as your paths cross again and again,...

  2. Te esfuerzas al máximo para resultar útil en la interminable guerra contra los esbirros de Lucifer. El entrenamiento diario es extenuante, pero lo pasas bien junto a tus compañeros. Sin...

  3. The Swords of First Light. Synopsis. You’ve spent your whole life helping your foster parents out at their inn. You’ve finally received word that you’ll be accepted into a special program in the Knight’s Order of First Light, known for their fighting prowess against demons.

  4. Te esfuerzas al máximo para resultar útil en la interminable guerra contra los esbirros de Lucifer. El entrenamiento diario es extenuante, pero lo pasas bien junto a tus compañeros. Sin...

  5. 17 de oct. de 2023 · Has pasado toda tu vida ayudando a tus padres adoptivos a regentar su taberna, y por fin has recibido la confirmación de que serás aceptada en un programa especial de la Orden de la Primera Luz, famosa por su poder de lucha contra los demonios.

  6. You’ve finally received word that you’ll be accepted into a special program in the Knight’s Order of First Light, known for their fighting prowess against demons. They even managed to seal Lucifer, the king of demons, away nearly 300 years ago!

  7. You’ve finally received word that you’ll be accepted into a special program in the Knight’s Order of First Light, known for their fighting prowess against demons. They even managed to seal Lucifer, the king of demons, away nearly 300 years ago!