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  1. With its intensely green and lush vegetation, Vue du village appears to be a late spring or a summer scene, painted after Monet’s return from a brief working trip to Holland during the 1886 tulip season (Wildenstein, nos. 1067-1071).

  2. The first canvases that Monet painted in the vicinity of Giverny during the summer of 1883 depict islands in the Seine near the neighboring communes of Port-Villez, Vernon and Granval. At the end of the year Monet joined Renoir for a quick jaunt along the Mediterranean, ranging from Marseilles to Genoa, with a stopover in L'Estaque to visit ...

  3. 22 de jun. de 2020 · Balade dans Giverny, petit village de l'Eure ou vécu Claude Monet pendant près de la moitié de sa vie. Une jolie visite à quelques km de Paris.

  4. 9 de may. de 2021 · Giverny and Impressionism . But Giverny rises to fame in 1883 when the painter Claude Monet discovered the village whilst looking out of the train window (the line has since closed down). Monet was enthusiastic about the spot. He found a large house to rent, "the Press House".

  5. Monet est promu au rang de bienfaiteur officiel de sa cité et commence à s’impliquer dans la vie du village. Vers 1907, avec son physique de patriarche, il s’exclame : « hormis la peinture et le jardinage, je ne suis bon à rien ».

  6. But how in the world did he manage to discover the peaceful little village of Giverny, tucked away from prying eyes with only 279 inhabitants in 1883? In ‘Monet: the Triumph of Impressionism’, Daniel Wildenstein confirms that Claude Monet had already long known about the town of Vernon.

  7. 17 de sept. de 2015 · Claude Oscar Monet (1840 - 1926) The museum of Vernon is the only museum of the area exhibiting canvases by Monet, thanks to the generosity of the impressionist master and of his son. Claude Monet presented "Nympheas, 1908", a circular work that he painted in his garden in Giverny.