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  1. 12 de oct. de 2012 · Three prints by James Ensor have just joined the collection of the Getty Research Institute. All three were made in the 1890s, when Ensor was at the peak of his creative powers, and all contain the eerie imagery for which Ensor is known (and loved)—skeletons, masks, and crowds.

  2. The Assassination is based on Edgar Allan Poe's gothic tale The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar of 1845, which tells the gruesome story of a hypnotist trying to arrest the process of death by hypnotizing a dying man.

  3. El cuento de Poe relata una venganza que lleva a cabo el bufón de la corte, un enano y tullido llamado Hop Frog, el cual se venga de un rey totalmente injusto y sus siete ministros corruptos. La escena que nos representa Ensor sigue de forma meticulosa la narración.

  4. Beyond offering a satirical way to highlight the dark side of political and religious figures within modern society, Ensor's representation of Poe's story suggests his frustration at receiving unfair and cruel judgment on the part of contemporary critics.

  5. This allegorical image on the theme of class injustice is based on an 1845 short story by Edgar Allen Poe, one of Ensor's favorite authors. It illustrates the revenge of a court jester, a crippled dwarf named Hop-Frog, against an unjust king and his seven corrupt ministers.

  6. Edgar Allen Poe, James Ensor, and the psychology of revenge. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, 21, 301–314. Abstract. Examines aspects of the emotion for revenge in the lives and works of J. Ensor and E. A. Poe.

  7. › illustraties › james-ensorJames Ensor - Edgar Allan Poe

    James Sidney Edouard baron Ensor, geboren te Oostende in 1860 en aldaar overleden in 1949, was een Belgische kunstschilder van het symbolisme, componist en schrijver. Hij staat onder andere bekend om zijn Poe-thematiek.