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  1. Laravel is a PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. Get started with PHP and Laravel faster than ever using Laravel Herd .

  2. Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. A web framework provides a structure and starting point for creating your application, allowing you to focus on creating something amazing while we sweat the details.

  3. Laravel 8. Laravel 8 continues the improvements made in Laravel 7.x by introducing Laravel Jetstream, model factory classes, migration squashing, job batching, improved rate limiting, queue improvements, dynamic Blade components, Tailwind pagination views, time testing helpers, improvements to artisan serve, event listener improvements, and a ...

  4. Laravel 中文文档由社区用户翻译和维护将会保持一直更新 文档类型:系统文档 文章统计:75 篇,字数 25.80 万,点赞 6684

  5. 11 de dic. de 2020 · En este tutorial te enseñaré cómo instalar Laravel 8 y los distintos entornos de trabajo que puedes utilizar para trabajar en tus proyectos.

  6. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as: Simple, fast routing engine. Powerful dependency injection container. Multiple back-ends for session and cache storage. Expressive, intuitive database ORM. Database agnostic schema migrations. Robust background job processing.

  7. Laravel is an intensely productive full-stack web framework. Pair Laravel and its rich ecosystem with Livewire, React, or Vue to build your next big idea and ship faster than you ever thought possible.

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