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  1. Steve Irwin is an ESFP personality type and 7w6 in Enneagram. Read 28 discussions on Steve Irwin's personality in The Crocodile Hunter (Television). 👉

  2. As a Type Seven, Steve tends to be enthusiastic, adventurous, and spontaneous. Steve is likely people-oriented and generally enjoys pursuing new relationships.

  3. Steve Irwin personality type is ESFP, which means he's a natural extrovert and a people pleaser. The INFJ's warmth and compassion is a magnet for attention, and this is a good thing, but he has a hard time keeping himself from being overwhelmed by it.

  4. Steve Irwin is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 792 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics. Great example of a super healthy ESFP. Dominant Se is obvious in his extreme alertness & awareness of his environment, quick reflexes, and general physical adeptness.

  5. Steve Irwin's Personality Profile, Life-loving, people-centric thrill seekers, the ESFP personality type is interested in people and experiences throwing themselves into relationships and life in general. Find out more!

  6. What 16 personality type is Steve Irwin "The Crocodile Hunter"? Based on his energetic and enthusiastic demeanor, combined with his love of adventure and the outdoors, Steve Irwin could be categorized as an ESFP (Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) personality type.

  7. Visit PDB to read more comments on personality types of Steve Irwin and The Crocodile Hunter! (2020-01-14, 43 upvotes) 'Se - He is very alert and aware of his environment. He is fascinated and interested in learning about the world around him.