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  1. 14 de nov. de 2023 · Looser zones, also known as cortical infractions, Milkman lines or pseudofractures, are wide, transverse lucencies with sclerotic borders traversing partway through a bone, usually perpendicular to the involved cortex, and are associated most frequently with osteomalacia and rickets.

  2. La zona de Looser, también conocida como osteomalacia pseudocrónica, es una enfermedad ósea rara que afecta a los adultos. Se caracteriza por debilidad ósea y deformidades óseas, lo que puede llevar a fracturas y discapacidad.

  3. 11 de oct. de 2016 · Impaired chondrocyte development and failure to mineralize growth plate cartilage in rickets lead to widened growth plates and frayed metaphyses at sites of greatest growth. Osteomalacia is the result of impaired mineralization of newly formed osteoid, which leads to characteristic Looser zones.

  4. 1 de jun. de 2022 · Looser zones. Las pseudofracturas de Looser, las fisuras o las líneas radiolúcidas estrechas con bordes escleróticos son un hallazgo radiológico muy característico. Suelen ser simétricas, bilaterales y perpendiculares a los márgenes corticales de los huesos.

  5. Pseudofractures or Looser zones are seen in osteomalacia. Common sites affected include the scapula, pubic rami and proximal femurs medially. In late stages the shape of pelvis also becomes deformed giving the characteristic triradiate pelvis.

  6. 5 de abr. de 2023 · Looser’s zones are the most characteristic finding of advanced OM and correspond to well-defined sites of linear cortical radiolucency . They typically occur on the ribs, the upper and lower pubic rami, the medial margins of the femur or tibia, and the lateral margin of the scapula, with characteristic scintigraphy traits ( Figure 1 ).

  7. Zonas de Looser secundarias a osteomalacia hipofosfatémica. Looser zones due to hypophosphatemic osteomalacia. Xavier Tomás Batllea, Luis González Pérezb. a Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico (CDIC). Hospital Clínic. Barcelona. España. b Servicio de Rehabilitación (ICMEQ). Hospital Clínic.