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  1. Keith Rupert Murdoch (nacido el 11 de marzo de 1931), es un magnate australiano, es director y principal accionista de News Corporation (que engloba por ejemplo los periódicos The Sun y The Times o los conglomerados de cadenas vía satélite Fox y Sky), la corporación de medios de comunicación más…

  2. Rupert Murdoch is the owner of FOX and many other companies. Murdoch is first seen in Springwood Minimum Security Prison, having been convicted of an unspecified crime, and... This article is about Rupert Murdoch the character.

  3. Rupert Murdoch was one of the people who came into his bar as a result. When Moe asked Murdoch how he was doing, Murodch told him to put Jay Leno on. Rupert Murdoch was seen with Mr. Burns. A picture of Rupert Murdoch was on the wall of The Penny Loafer.

  4. Rupert Murdoch (born 11 March 1931) is an Australian-born American businessman and Chairman and CEO of FOX and News Corporation. He guest starred as himself in " Sunday, Cruddy Sunday " and " Judge Me Tender ". He is frequently the butt of the joke on The Simpsons .

  5. El grupo, en la cárcel, es liberado cuando Dolly Parton (a quien Wally conocía) usa su removedor de maquillaje para disolver la cerradura y dejarlos ir. Una vez libres, corren hacia un palco para ver el juego, pero pronto llega Rupert Murdoch, su legítimo dueño, y los obliga a irse.

  6. Keith Rupert Murdoch, AC, KCSG (born March 11, 1931) is an Australian-born American businessman and media proprietor. He voiced himself in the season 10 episode "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday" and the season 21 episode "Judge Me Tender".

  7. 19 de feb. de 2023 · La compra de los estudios de Murdoch sin duda permitió a Disney obtener valiosas franquicias, incluido el programa de televisión de mayor duración, “Los Simpson”, así como el gigante...