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  1. Tomb Kings Skeleton Warriors/Archers. $85.00. Add to Cart. 36 undead infantry to form the backbone of your Tomb Kings of Khemri army. Arm them for melee with spears or hand weapons, or equip them with deadly warbows. Assemble an undead legion or several smaller units, each with their own command section.

  2. The Skeleton Warriors of the Tomb Kings are ancient and eternally loyal warriors whom have willingly followed their mighty rulers unto death, forming the very core of all of Nehekhara's untold armies.

  3. Tomb Kings Skeleton Warriors/Archers. 62,50 €. Añadir al carro. 36 soldados de infantería no muerta para formar la espina dorsal de tu ejército de Tomb Kings of Khemri. Equípalos para el combate cuerpo a cuerpo con lanzas o armas de mano, o con mortales warbows.

  4. Skeleton Warriors are a Tomb Kings melee infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with Rise of the Tomb Kings. Unlocked with: Crypts, Lahmia (Crypts), Khemri... For the Vampire Counts unit, see Skeleton Warriors (Vampire Counts).

  5. Skeleton Warriors - The Skeleton Warriors of the Tomb Kings are ancient and eternally loyal warriors who have willingly followed their mighty rulers unto death, forming the very core of all of Nehekhara's untold armies.

  6. Tomb Kings. The Tomb Kings of Khemri rule the land of Nehekhara – the land of the dead. The ancient civilization of Khemri perished long ago, until the evil sorcerer Nagash performed a great ritual which awakened the Tomb Kings and their buried armies.

  7. The Tomb Kings now seek to reclaim their lost glory, and take vengeance on Nagash and his kin. The armies of the Tomb Kings consist of ranks of skeleton soldiers and chariots, supported by towering animated statues of bone and stone.