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  1. We are science dedicated to discovering the possibilities of sugarcane, we are a platform for new opportunities for sustainable progress and we create value for industries.

  2. Coca-Cola Company’s (TCCC) sugar supply chain in Colombia, including mills, farms and the sugar industry overall. It includes a summary of Colombia’s legal, social, and economic environment and describes how they contribute to issues related to child and forced labor, as well as land rights. Methodology

  3. Sugar cane, unlike what many people believe, is not a crop native to Colombia or any other Latin American country. In fact, it comes from New Guinea. However, there’s no exact data on when people first began processing the crop into sugar.

  4. 27 de mar. de 2017 · Domestic sugar cooperative CIAMSA ranks Colombia, which also produces a variety of different kinds of sugar, among the top four most efficient cane industries in the world. The climate is suitable for year round cultivation, so Colombia grows more tons per hectare than most other nations.

  5. 29 de jun. de 2019 · According to the agro-industrial association of sugarcane (ASOCAÑA) in Colombia, there are 225 thousand hectares of cane planted for sugar, of which 25% correspond to the lands owned by sugar mills and the remaining 75% to <2750 cane growers.

  6. 9 de ene. de 2017 · A staggering 85% of Colombia's sugar is still harvested by hand. The New York Times reports that farms are intentionally not modernized—industry leaders are wary of instigating mass...

  7. Market Overview. Global production and consumption of sugar cane recover after the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sugar cane is one of the most eficient plants at converting sunlight into energy. It is common in diets around the world and is an important biofuel feedstock (UNICA, n.d.).