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  1. Breaking the Sound Barrier Overview. In 1947, Chuck Yeager (1923- ) became the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound. Not only did he prove that the "sound barrier" could be broken, but he set in motion development that has led to the high-speed fighters that are critical to military defense.Commercial use of high-speed aircraft has been limited primarily to the Concorde, but ...

  2. 24 de ene. de 2015 · The sound barrier is simply the point an object exceeds the speed of sound – a speed many scientists once considered impossible. Sound is a travelling wave of pressure. A moving object pushes nearby air molecules, which push the molecules next to them, and so on. As a plane approaches the speed of sound, its pressure waves ‘stack up ...

  3. 30 de nov. de 2015 · Sound Barrier. Sound Barrier is a common term referring to the unusual amounts of drag in a fluid when an object approaches the speed of sound, which is about 1125 ft/s or 767 mph in dry air. First observed during World War II, the sound barrier doesn't exist as a physical limitation but rather represents the difficulty at which objects near ...

  4. What happens when something breaks the sound barrier? April 2001. On October 14, 1947, a small, almost rocket type plane called the Bell X-1 was dropped from a large B-29. Capt. Chuck Yeager fired the X-1 engine and was accelerated past the sound barrier becoming the first man to travel faster than the speed of sound.

  5. 23 de oct. de 2023 · Subsonic refers to any aircraft that is moving slower than Mach 1, meaning it is below the speed of sound. Transonic describes aircraft that are traveling at the speed of sound, usually within a ...

  6. 4 de may. de 2023 · May 4, 2023. Sharing is Caring. sound barrier, sharp rise in aerodynamic drag that occurs as an aircraft approaches the speed of sound and that was formerly an obstacle to supersonic flight. If an aircraft flies at somewhat less than sonic speed, the pressure waves (sound waves) it creates outspeed their sources and spread out ahead of it.

  7. 22 de feb. de 2017 · What is a sonic boom? Chances are if you've ever heard a sonic boom it has been caused by a fighter-jet or a bullet but what is a sonic boom and why does bre...