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  1. Durante a noite eles caem do céu. Into the night they fall through the sky. Ninguém deve voar onde as águias voam. No one should fly where eagles dare. Eles estão se aproximando, a fortaleza está próxima. They're closing in, the fortress is near. Lá no alto do céu. It's standing high in the sky. O teleférico é a única maneira de entrar.

  2. Are lying deep in the snow. En la noche caen por el cielo. Into the night they fall through the sky. Nadie debería volar donde se atreven las águilas. No one should fly where eagles dare. Se están acercando, la fortaleza está cerca. They're closing in, the fortress is near. Está parado en lo alto del cielo. It's standing high in the sky.

  3. Clash of Clans New Halloween Update Goblin Maps Guide How to Beat Where Eagles Dare with Town Hall 9 10 11 12. Attack Strategy Guide after CoC Halloween Upda...

  4. Quand les aigles attaquent (Where Eagles Dare) est un film britannico-américain réalisé par Brian G. Hutton, sorti en 1968.. Le scénario permet de suivre une équipe de parachutistes du Secret Intelligence Service qui effectue un raid dans un château. Le film est distribué par la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, tourné en Panavision et sur place en Autriche et en Bavière.

  5. 《血染雪山堡Where Eagles Dare》是擅长执导战争片的导演布莱恩·G·赫顿1969年打造的代表作之一,在随后的1970年布莱恩·G·赫顿再次与克林特·伊斯特伍德合作了另外一部经典的二战电影《凯利和他的英雄们》,此是后话,暂且按下不表。

  6. Agenten sterben einsam wurde zu einem großen finanziellen Erfolg, und auch Kritiker reagierten überaus positiv: „Where Eagles Dare is so good for its genre that one must go back to The Great Escape (1963) for a worthy comparison“ (deutsch: „Agenten sterben einsam ist auf seine Art so gut, dass man für einen angemessenen Vergleich bis zum Film Gesprengte Ketten (1963) zurückgehen muss ...

  7. Where Eagles Dare: Directed by Brian G. Hutton. With Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood, Mary Ure, Patrick Wymark. Allied agents stage a daring raid on a castle where the Nazis are holding American brigadier general George Carnaby prisoner, but that's not all that's really going on.