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  1. Kart som viser resultatet av presidentvalget i USA i 1876.Røde stater stemte for demokraten Samuel J. Tilden, og blå for republikaneren Rutherford B. Hayes, som seiret med 185 valgmannsstemmer, mot 184 for Tilden.. Rutherford Birchard Hayes (født 4. oktober 1822, død 17. januar 1893) var den 19. presidenten i USA.Hayes hadde rykte på seg for å være ærlig og hederlig, og ble valgt til ...

  2. Rutherford B. Hayes: Impact and Legacy. After finding “the country divided and distracted and every interest depressed,” Hayes was proud that, upon leaving the White House, he “left it united, harmonious, and prosperous.” He had found the Republican Party “discordant, ...

  3. Rutherford B. Hayes, America's 19th President, served as chief executive at the end of Reconstruction and the beginning of the modern industrial age. He was well suited to the task, having earned a steadfast reputation for integrity throughout his career as a soldier and a statesman.

  4. Nato a Delaware, nell'Ohio, da modesta famiglia, figlio di Rutherford Hayes, Jr. e Sophia Birchard.Hayes si laureò in legge ad Harvard nel 1845 ed esercitò fino al 1849 la professione forense a Marietta, Fremont e Cincinnati.Di idee repubblicane, il giovane avvocato americano partecipò attivamente alle elezioni presidenziali che videro la vittoria del Partito Repubblicano e, parallelamente ...

  5. 2 de abr. de 2014 · Rutherford B. Hayes was the 19th president of the United States and oversaw the end of the rebuilding efforts of the Reconstruction.

  6. Rutherford Birchard Hayes (4. října 1822 – 17. ledna 1893) byl 19. prezident Spojených států.Mimo to byl politik, zákonodárce a voják.. Narodil se jako nejmladší ze čtyř dětí, ale dvě z nich zemřely v mladém věku. Vystudoval Vysokou školu v Gambieru (1842) a práva na Harvardu.Sporné volby nad protikandidátem Samuelem J. Tildenem vyhrál jen o jeden hlas (ve sboru ...

  7. Visit President Rutherford B. Hayes' wooded estate named Spiegel Grove, home of America's first presidential library. Tour the president's 31-room Victorian mansion, see his tomb, visit the newly renovated museum, explore the library and walk the mile of paved trails.