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  1. Estructura de las Naciones Unidas. Los principales órganos de la ONU son la Asamblea General, el Consejo de Seguridad, el Consejo Económico y Social, el Consejo de Administración Fiduciaria, la...

  2. The UN does this by working to prevent conflict; helping parties in conflict make peace; peacekeeping; and creating the conditions to allow peace to hold and flourish.

  3. Las Naciones Unidas es una organización internacional fundada en 1945, que proporciona un foro para que sus miembros expresen sus puntos de vista y actúen sobre los principales problemas que ...

  4. The United Nations (UN) is a diplomatic and political international organization whose stated purposes are to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and serve as a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. It is the world's largest international organization.

  5. Welcome to the United Nations, it's your world.

  6. Desde entonces, la familia de las Naciones Unidas en Guatemala colabora con el Estado guatemalteco, incluyendo un fuerte vínculo con organizaciones de la sociedad civil, así como el resto de...

  7. Gaza, acuerdo palestino, periodistas en Gaza, Juegos Olímpicos... Las noticias del martes. Ayuda humanitaria La Oficina de Derechos Humanos condena los ataques de Israel en Gaza sin dar tiempo a...

  8. UN independent human rights experts on Thursday expressed deep concern over a “massive crackdown” on pro-Palestinian student protests at various universities in the United States, urging...

  9. The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Currently made up of 193 Member States, the UN and its work are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its...

  10. Decrying legislative and physical attacks against the United Nations agency providing the backbone for the humanitarian response in Gaza, two senior UN officials urged the Security Council...

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