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  1. Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination at Princeton University: Princeton University believes that commitment to principles of fairness and respect for all is favorable to the free and open exchange of ideas, and the University seeks to reach out as widely as possible in order to attract the ablest individuals as students, faculty, and staff. In applying this policy, the University is ...

  2. 29 de nov. de 2023 · 1- Harvard University: Se trata de la universidad más antigua de Estados Unidos, y en casi todos los rankings de universidades del mundo pelea por los primeros puestos. Lleva el nombre de su ...

  3. El proceso de admisión de Princeton no consiste en la mera búsqueda de estudiantes con un buen desempeño académico. Intentamos que cada promoción ingresante reúna a un grupo heterogéneo de estudiantes brillantes y destacados, provenientes de diversos contextos, para crear una comunidad de aprendizaje excepcional. Nos importa lo que los estudiantes han logrado dentro y fuera del aula.

  4. Biblioteca Sterling Memorial. La Universidad Yale (Yale University en idioma inglés) es una universidad privada ubicada en New Haven, Connecticut (Estados Unidos).Fundada en 1701 y miembro de la selecta Ivy League, Yale es la tercera institución de educación superior más antigua de Estados Unidos y uno de los nueve Colleges coloniales reconocidos con una Carta Real del monarca británico ...

  5. Chartered in 1746 as the College of New Jersey—the name by which it was known for 150 years—Princeton University was British North America’s fourth college. Located in Elizabeth for one year and in Newark for nine, the College of New Jersey moved to Princeton in 1756. It was housed in Nassau Hall, which was newly built on land donated by Nathani...

  6. Princeton’s rapidly growing and interdisciplinary bioengineering community is pioneering new research and training the next generation of bioengineering leaders. Based in the School for Engineering and Applied Sciences, with affiliate labs across campus, students in the doctoral program will benefit from Princeton’s uniquely collaborative environment.

  7. Visitor Parking. Weekday visitor parking is available at Stadium Drive Garage (map: Princeton Stadium Drive Garage ; lat./long. “40.345037, -74.644822”), with frequent TigerTransit (campus bus) service to stops on Washington Road, Nassau Street and University Place. Visitors using the garage are asked to register for a daily parking permit.

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